Friday, August 17, 2007

Simple Question #013a: Should Churches Have a Sense of Humor?

According to Wikipedia, Heresy is defined as, "theological or religious opinion or doctrine maintained in opposition, or held to be contrary, to the Roman Catholic or Orthodox doctrine of the Christian Church, or, by extension, to that of any church, creed, or religious system, considered as orthodox." Simplifying this down to its essence, it means openly disagreeing with any religion. Given the historical trend of Churches falling away from the teachings of Christ, isn't it our responsibility to be active heretics when the circumstances are appropriate?

So much heresy is tied up with humor. Many Churches over the years seem humorless to me. Why is that? What is the nature of humor that is so threatening to leaders of any stripe... especially so many in charge of the world's religions?

Just in case you're completely un familiar with the idea of heresy as humor, here's one of my favorite examples:

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