Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Maybe I'm Not Wrestling Enough?

I'm scared.

It seems as if my life is going pretty well these days, but I know there's the clear and present possibility that trouble's just around the corner. I know it's important to enjoy this time, but I can't help but think that maybe there's something to my concern (which makes that difficult).

I hope everyone in my life lives longer than I do. I know that's not technically likely (or maybe even desirable) , but I can't help feeling some dread in going through the loss of a parent or friend or mate... hell, even the loss of a pet is tough.

I'm generally a happy person, but I know trials probably loom ahead. I know they will help me grow, but I like it where I am. Just as I'm getting comfortable here, I can sense change coming. Writing all this down makes it seem more inevitable too.

Maybe I just won't publish this and everything will stay the same...

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