Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Atheists, Fundamentalists, and Tolerance. Oh My!

This video contains dramatic readings of message-board posts about atheism from christian fundamentalist message boards. Before you watch it, I want to say a few things...

Firstly, this video is Not even remotely Safe For Work!!! (NSFW)

Secondly, I have to ask: Is this how atheists view all christians?

Thirdly, I have to ask: Is this how all fundamentalists think?

Fourthly, how often do people use the term "fourthly"?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

LOLcats for Christ

Who hasn't felt this way from time to time...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Whack a god

Okay. Stick with me here... In Japan, someone has set up a modest temple for the god of poverty. Why? So people can come by and.. well... see for yourself:

Japanese beat poverty Video - Yahoo! News UK

This would get so completely out of hand in the US. This is something that could probably only really work in Japan, but I have to wonder if everyone wouldn't benefit from a quick trip to this temple.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

How techno-savvy is YOUR church?

We're not quite ready to embrace technology to this extent... yet.

'Twittering' encouraged at Seattle church

I'm not sure how reverent you can be while Twittering, but I'm sure someone will measure it someday.